Business Connect (Auckland)

13th February 2025

This business networking event was attended by 25 business owners. The event was represented by a wider range of industries from accounting to water blasting.

While the NZNCC is a Chamber of business owners having connections to Nepal, Business Connect was an event where all were welcomed with open arms. The idea being connecting with the wider business communities.

During the event, the organisers invited all attendees to pitch their business. ‘We do business with people, not with the entities’, was a theme that came out strongly at the event.

NZNCC has plans to organise Business Connect event regularly at different locations of New Zealand.

अर्थ संवाद: प्रवसी नेपाली र नेपालमा लगानीका अवसर

15th December 2024

A live talk show where business and investment opportunities were discussed between Niranjan Shrestha, Executive Director, Lami Laxmi Group Nepal and Deepesh Shrestha, Director, GEMS International Australia.

The key message was that all is not doom and gloom. Business opportunities in a number of sectors exist in Nepal. To get an idea of the business ecosystem from the owner of a major business house who has been doing business in Nepal for decades, watch the video.

NZNCC delivered this event on in collaboration with the Australia Nepal Chamber of Commerce, the Consulate of Nepal, Auckland, and the Nepalese American Chamber Of Commerce, Dallas Texas.

Facebook link – 

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

9 September 2023

In addition to the regular business of the NZNCC, this AGM held in Auckland elected a new executive committee team for 2023-25. The newly elected team members were:

1. President, Raj Maharjan

2. Vice President. Biren Karki

3. Vice President, Subash Shrestha

4. Treasurer, Ganesh Bhandari

5. Deputy Secretary, Sagar Aryal

6. Executive Member, Laxman Paudel

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